Computer Animation Physics

Computer animation and also knowns as game physics is a type of programming, where it covers the presentation of the laws of physics into a simulator or game tool, especially with 3D computer graphics, although it also exists in 2D computer graphics in games such as Phun. The goal is to ensure that the physical effects of the objects that are created or modeled to have the same characteristics as in real life, taking into account, for example, gravity, mass, friction, restitution, etc. The simulation of physics in programming is only an approximation to real physics (although it is very close to the physics that an object would actually have, it is not as realistic as in reality), and the calculation is developed using unique values. You can find many elements that make up the components of physical simulation.

Particle system

Particles are a frequent aspect of video games where it is a matter of recreating some explosion in each circumstance. In the early video games, the same reenactment of the explosion was always used at every moment. However, in reality, an explosion can vary drastically, depending on the terrain, the altitude of the explosion, and the types of solid bodies that are affected. Building upon the available power that processes, the effects after the explosion can be shaped as the separation and propulsion components shattered by the gas expansion. This model is utilizing a simulation of a particle system. A model of the particle system allows a variety of other physical experiences to be imitated, including precipitation, smoke, moving water, and so on. The separate particles within the system were shaped by practicing some other elements of the physics rules simulation, with the condition that the number of particles available for simulation is defined by the hardware’s computer power. Hence, there is a possibility that the explosions may need to be shaped like a set of large particles, instead of a large number of solid particles.

For example, if the particle system were the one formed by the Earth and the Moon: the external forces would be the ones exerted by The Sun (and the rest of the planets) on the Earth and the Moon. The internal forces would be the mutual attraction between these two celestial bodies. For each of the particles it is fulfilled that the reason for the variation of the linear moment with time is the same as that resulting from the forces acting on the particle considered, that is, the motion of each particle is determined by the internal and external forces acting on that particle.

Ragdoll physics techniques

The meaning of Ragdoll comes from the English words rag doll (rag doll). As the name suggests, this is an animation procedure and a technique with a simulation to show a person’s movement as if he were dead. The system interprets the characteristics of the body as a sequence of inflexible bones connected, hinged on simulating the joints. As previously mentioned about the simulation models, what happens to the body when it falls to the ground as if it were a rag doll (hence the name Ragdoll). A physical model of body movement and an interaction with the most sophisticated collision requires much greater computing power, as a more accurate simulation of hydrodynamics, liquids, and solids are needed. The articulated model system can also recreate the side effects of the skeleton, tendons, muscles, and many other physiological components.